Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Peach Orchard

“Peach can be brought.
But where can you buy a whole orchard in bloom”

In the beginning the boy was mesmerized by the dolls in the house. Each doll symbolized the life of the blossoms and the spirit of the trees.
In the house one of the first things you see was a peach tree. Maybe that tree symbolize the sixth girl the boy said he seen when he was talking to his sister. Also the second time he seen the girl she was then in front of the peach tree.
When the little boy was chasing the girl the first dolls that came was showed was the white dolls and in that culture the color white represents death. So it might have showed that the tree was dead or gone in life.
Every doll was in a specific position and had specific colors. Maybe those colors represented either the rank because at the top line there was a black and a white doll, maybe to even out justice or it might have represented the different colors of how trees can form. The little boy was dressed in grey in the scene where the dolls were dancing,so he doesn't mixed in the colors of the dolls.
The little girl was the spirit and she was the last tree standing at the end. Maybe the little boy was sad because he understands that the life of the tree was gone.
The music was a great impact because it itself introduce the scene and told the story.

“We dolls personify the peach tree”

Monday, March 26, 2007

Sunshine through the Rain

Symbols are the key to this dream. Everything symbolizes something. Also this deals with curiosity and consequence.
The rainbow symbolizes light. The color white in the flowers and one of the women who had all white on symbolizes death. The child symbolizes curiosity (disobedience). The mother warns the child not to go. The knife symbolizes death.
The Foxes have concession in the rain. The Foxes come out when the sun shine through the rain. Obviously the foxes was doing something that nobody was suppose to see. Maybe like a wedding or a death ceremony. Or even a new path to the foxes new life, because in the film people aren't suppose to see the foxes or know where they live.
“I don't know where they live”
You'll find out...... Days like this the rainbow are always shining..... Foxes live under the rainbows”

They wanted him to kill himself is part of the consequence for being curious.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Chinese Cinema v.s. American Cinema

American Cinema has five different types of film styles, you have The Hollywood Style, The Western, Romantic Comedy, The Combat Film, and The Horror
The Hollywood Style is basically structure, narrative, and visual. Western films are shooting and control power. Romantic Comedy is the I Love You, but also have drama that make everybody laugh on life's reality. Combat Films are on WAR, government and political views. Horror films are the nightmares that you'll get, and stupid myths.
As for Chinese Cinema its all base on their tradition and fighting technique such as martial arts.
Style of making films are very much different. Even though there are similarities such as cut and paste. But Chinese filmmakers seldom use computers, they would usually shoot at three different angles and then combine them. While American filmmakers would shoot scene A and then scene D and go back to scene B to collaborate. Also American filmmakers would use computers to generate special effects.

Friday, March 9, 2007


Vertigo is a sensation of whirling and loss of balance, associated particularly with looking down from a great height. Vertigo is another job well done by Alfred Hithcock. Which showed both the true meaning of vertigo and which is filled with many misconceptions.
Vertigo is about a San Francisco detective John ” Scottie” Ferguson( James Stewart) develops a phobia of heights after one of his friends died during a rooftop chase. Then John gets hired as a private detective to follow Madeleine(Kim Novak).
The scenery was dark shadow throughout the whole film which might have been a symbol of mystery. The idea of shadow is a recurring theme throughout the movie, so that Madeleine's death would be the hand of a shadow.
The costumes reminded me somewhat of Scarface, in the mid to late 50's.
The music/ sound effect was of much suspense. It made the film more intersecting then it really was. Its main key was to keep everyone on the edge of their seats and it did just that.
The camera gave the dizzy effect which gives the film its title.
Misconception is a view or opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding and Vertigo consist of a lot of misconceptions. One conception was when John thought that if he steps on a stool then maybe his phobia of heights would go away. John thought that Madeleine was cheating on her husband (thats why he wanted someone to spy on her).